7 Amazing Tricks of Math 10x Faster | 7tricks

Here are seven tricks for math that are going to be very amazing. These are very easy and simple tricks but are very important in the field of math.

tricks of math

These are the seven amazing tricks for Math:-

  1. Multiply 95 95 etc. in 2 seconds!
  2. Multiply 67 9999999 in 5 seconds!
  3. Cube root of any no. in 2 seconds!
  4. The square root of any complex number!
  5. 243 X 567 in 5 seconds!
  6. 46 X 82 in 5 seconds!
  7. Divisibility Rule Trick!

1. Multiply 95 95 etc. in 2 seconds:

Yes, with this trick you can multiply 95X95 or 45X45 or 75X75, etc. in 2 seconds.

For example:- 65X65 = 4225 [First multiply 6 with 7(that is 6+1) we will get 42 and then write 25]
95X95 =  9025 [First multiply 9 with 10(that is 9+1) we will get 90 and then write 25]
45X45 = 2025 [First multiply 4 with 5(that is 4+1) we will get 20 and then write 25]

I hope you get this trick, now you can multiply others similarly. This trick only works for squaring of numbers ending with 5 or which ones is 5.

2. Multiply 167 X 99999 in 5 seconds:

Can you imagine, that you can multiply these types of multiplication in 5 seconds? You can improve your calculation 10x faster with this trick. Follow these steps to learn it-

  • Subtract 1 from the first number for example here is 167 then write 166.
  • Now subtract 166 from 99999 which will give 99338, you can do it without the help of a notebook.
  • That’s it, the answer is 16699338. You can do it in less than 5 seconds.
Let’s take some more examples-
13456X99999 = 1345586544 , it took less than 5 seconds.
Subtract 1 from 13456 and then subtract 13455 from 99999 and write directly.
I hope you get this trick!

3. Cube Root of any Number is 2 seconds:

This is an amazing math trick you can boost your calculation by 10x. You will be able to calculate the cube root of any number in 2 seconds!
Follow these steps to calculate the cube root of any number:-
  • For Example, the number is 19683, underline the last three digits and see, it ends with 3 which means 33 = 27. 
  • Write 7 and now see 19 it is less than 23 
  • So the final answer is 47.
Let’s take some examples:-
  • Cube Root of 250047:- See the last digit it’s 7 so write 3 because 73 ends with 3 i.e. 343. Then look at 250 it’s less than 63  So our final answer is 63.
  • Cube Root of 175616:- See the last digit it’s 6 so write 6 because 63 ends with 6 i.e. 216. Then look at 175 it’s less than 53  So our final answer is 56.
I hope now you get this trick.

4. The Square root of any complex number:

A complex no. is an imaginary number. Many questions have been asked in JEE Mains and board of square root of a complex no. We have made a different post for this topic you can learn by clicking here.

5. Multiply 2 digits no. with Short Tricks:

In this trick, you are going to learn how to multiply two-digit numbers quickly:-
(i) AB × CD = AC / AD + BC / BD
Let A, B, C, and D be 4 different numbers then for multiplying AB x CD is equal to multiplication of A & D slash multiplication of A & D and then add this in the multiplication of B & C slash multiplication of B & D. 
Let’s Take an example–>
Ex. 35 × 47 
 = 12 / 21 + 20 / 35 
 = 12 / 41 / 35 

 = 1645 

(ii) AB × AC = A2 / A (B + C) / BC 
If question have first digit same in both numbers that we have to multiply. then solve by this formula!
Ex. 74 × 76 
 = 72 / 7(4 + 6) / 4 × 6  
 = 49 / 70 / 24  
 = 5624 
(iii) AB × CC = AC / (A + B)C / BC
Ex. = 35 × 44 
 = 3×4 / (3+5) × 4 / 5×4 
 = 12 / 32 / 20 
 = 1540

6. Multiply 3 digits no. with Short Tricks:

Let, the question given like that ABC × DEF (Here, A, B, C, D, E, F are integers ) then for solving these type of multiplication fast use this formula-
ABC × DEF = AD / AE + BD / AF + BE + CD / BF + CE / CF
Let’s take an example for this—> 
Ex. 456 × 234 
= 4×2 /4×3 + 5×2/4×4 + 5×3 + 6×2/5×4 + 6×3/6×4 
= 8/12 + 10/16 + 15 + 12/20 + 18/24 
= 8/22/43/38/24 
= 106704

So, these are seven tricks, it will help you to boost your calculation. You can follow www.7tricks.xyz for more new tricks.

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