revision notes

revision notes

Quick Revision Fomulas for JEE & NEET Physics – 7tricks

QUICK REVISION FORMULAS of Physics For Competitive exams like Jee & NEET:-   1. Formulas related to force: F = maF = kxF = m(vf² – vi²/2S)F = mv/tF = md/t²F = m(vf – vi)/tF = Area × density × velocity²F = 1/2 mv²/dF = 1/2 Pv/dF = Power/velocityFc = mv²/rFc = mrw²Fc/2 = mv²/2rFc = […]

neet, revision notes

Plant Kingdom Important Points To Remember Biology Class 11th 12th 7tricks

 ✌️IMP OF PLANT KINGDOM✌️ 1) Isogamous sexual reproduction in algae- Ulothrix (flagellated)Spirogyra (non-flagellated) 2) Anisogamous sexual reproduction in algae-  Udorina 3) Oogamous sexual reproduction in algae- Volvox, Fucus 4) Algin- Brown Algae 5) Carragreen – Red Algae 6) Agar-  Gelidium, Gracilaria(Red algae) 7)  Motile asexual spores in algae- Zoospores 8) Laminarin, Mannitol- stored food of

biology short trick, neet, revision notes

Notes on Anatomy of Flower Plants Tricks and point to remember

🥀🌾Notes on Anatomy of Flowering Plants🥀🌾 Depending upon distribution of stomata, the leaves are : (a) Apple-mulberry type: e.g. Oxalis, Mulberry, Apple.(b) Potato type: e.g. Bifacial (dorsiventral leaves of pea, bean, tomato).(c) Oat type: e.g. Suberect (isobillateral) leaves of most grasses and cereals (monocotyledens).(d) Nymphea type: e.g. Floating leaves of Nelumbo, Nymphia, water lily.(e) Potamogeton

Class 12th, neet, revision notes

Revision Notes on Inheritance and Variation For Neet Biology – 7tricks

 Revision Notes on Inheritance and Variation :- ✍️Numerical aberrations of chromosomes:  Each species has a characteristic number of chromosome. Variations or numerical changes in chromosomes (Heteroploidy) can be mainly of two types: (1) Euploidy:  The somatic chromosome number in euploids is the exact multiple of basic haploid number. In euploidy an organism acquires an additional

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