chemistry short trick

chemistry short trick, jee, neet

【SHORT TRICK】How to Learn Reactivity Series? | 7tricks

Are you searching for the best trick to learn reactivity series, so your search end here. By this given trick you can learn reactivity series within some minutes.  First, we know about Reactivity Series! What is Reactivity Series? A series in which metals are arranged in order of decreasing reactivity is called a reactivity series. Therefore, the metal with the lowest reactivity is at the bottom of the row, and the metal with

chemistry short trick, jee, neet

Bases Stronger than OH- ions [Short Trick] | 7tricks

  Like a strong acid, a strong Arrhenius base is a completely or almost completely ionized compound. Therefore, the concentration of hydroxide ions in a strong primary reaction is the same as the concentration of undissociated alkali. Common examples of stable Arrhenius bases are alkali metal and alkaline earth metal hydroxides, including NaOH and Ca(OH)2.

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