Trick to answer Unseen Passage questions within a minutes; Method and Precautions | 7tricks

Want to answer the question of of unseen passage in very less time ?

Here we will tell you the correct method to answer the question of unseen passage that maximum students doesn’t follow. and also trick to get 100% marks.


Trick to answer Unseen Passage questions


Generally, Students see the passage once fastly and directly go to answer the question and then after reading question they try to find the related words in passage. This is wrong method, if you think this will take least time, then it is just your wrong perception.

We will tell you the most efficient and right way to answer the questions!


We have written some points to help you in giving your best in exams!

Follow these Steps:

1) Firstly, just glance at questions that help you in finding that what you are looking for in that passage,Then read out the passage in about 1 or less minute !

2) After reading you shouldn’t go for answering the questions. You have to read the passage again deeply in about 5 or 6 minute understanding the meaning of that sentences in that passage. you have to manage time here (not give it more than five or six minutes). During this process you can can underline the sentence that you found to be important.

3) After reading deeply and understanding the meaning, go for answering the question and read first question and try to understand the meaning of that question. If you studied the passage carefully you surely remember something related to the question and then search that on starting of the passage. Similarly answer all the question by this method.

4) Last questions of passage is about of Opposite words, Similar words, One word substitution, Synonyms…..etc. So for solving these type of questions your vocabulary should be good. You have to practice about words meaning on daily basis. For improving vocabulary you should learn 10 words daily, make a notebook write and learn 10 words daily in that notebook. By this you can answer these type of questions.

5) One more important think is that if you have know the answer of any question by chance and answer doesn’t match in that passage then beware! Your answer will marked as wrong.

Never think that the correct answer come outside the passage!

6) Sixth point to remember is that do not memorize any sentence or word while reading the passage. Because there is no need to memorize it and it will also consume time so don’t do that.

Mistakes that you should avoid:

You musn’t do these mistakes-

1) Not reading the questions properly.

2) Directly answering of question without reading passage.

3) Answer the Questions in own words.

4) Answer the last question out of the passage.

5) Spending so much time on a particular question or in reading the passage.

6) Try to cheat, You have that confidence and positivity to handle the exam.


These are some steps that you have to follow and mistakes that you have not to follow to give your 100% in the exam!

Still, A positive mindset and Confidence make you more efficient!

A very best luck to you!

Have a bright Future!

– 7tricks

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